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Anosmia - Loss of Smell & Taste

Updated: Mar 25

Five Senses

Our sense of smell is closely linked to our sense of taste, so to lose one can mean to lose the other. Many of you will have suffered from anosmia (loss of smell) due to the COVID-19 virus or other viruses. There was previously little Doctors could do to help this condition, but during the COVID-19 pandemic smell testing emerged as a treatment to help retrain your sense of smell with a way to monitor your progress. It has been widely reported that smell training can be a way to help with anosmia, regularly smelling a set of substances and rating your level of smell for each one over several weeks/months. If you live in the Oxfordshire/Berkshire area or surrounding counties and would like to book an appointment to begin a course of "smell training" I'm here to help you, please get in touch.

Help Adapting

  • Find a way to enjoy food visually (adding lots of colourful veg to your plate).

  • Include foods with different textures - close your eyes when you are eating and really feel the texture of different foods.

  • Try smell training.

Essential Oil Safety:

  • Always read the EO safety guidance

  • Never ingest

  • Always dilute before use (seek advice for recommended quantities)

  • Avoid contact with the eyes/mucous membranes

  • Do not use if pregnant without seeking advice

  • Use lower dilutions for children/babies/elderly

  • If you have any medical conditions seek advice

  • Stop use immediately if you experience a reaction - inform your therapist and seek medical advice

Get in touch if you'd like to purchase essential oils, smell any of the oils in my collection, buy a CAM Aromatherapy product, get help with creating your own blend, or have a massage treatment.


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